
Upgrading R + Bioconductor

I have just learnt that Bioconductor developers should NOT always use the development version…

New website theme

I have just updated this website with an academic theme and it looks amazing…

Get GSEA done!

Thousands of times I’ve heard of the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis or GSEA. Thousands of times I tried to run it and thousands of times I failed…

Hello, World!

Happy 2017! I am back here and ready to start posting in my blog! See what I can do now…

How to start working with R

I’ve just come across a great blog post about the best way of starting data analysis in R…

SC3 poster

Some photos from the Functional Genomics & Systems Biology conference…

How medicine turns into advertising

Some thoughts about Theranos biotech startup…

SC3 - consensus clustering of single cell RNA Seq data

Today I presented the SC3 tool that I am developing for clustering of single-cell RNA-Seq data…

My new paper is out!

My paper ‘Perturbations of PIP3 signalling trigger a global remodelling of mRNA landscape and reveal a transcriptional feedback loop’ has been published in Nucleic Acids Research journal…

ISMARA client

ISMARA is a very nice tools that allows one to obtain transcription factor activities from only RNA-Seq or Chip-Seq data…